Customs disputes and currency control
Boris kalashnikov
Senior Partner
+7 905 537 41 65
  • appeal against decisions to include the declarant's royalties and dividends in the customs value

  • appeal of decisions on adjustment of customs value

  • appeal of decisions to change the HS code

  • appeal of decisions on refusal to grant tariff preferences

  • appeal of decisions on the country of origin of goods

  • appeal against other decisions, actions (omissions) of customs authorities

  • appeal of regulatory legal acts of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

  • refund of overpaid customs duties

  • defense in cases of bringing declarants to administrative responsibility

  • recovery of losses from customs authorities.
2020-2023: PMCs recommended in the foreign economic activity industry/Customs Law and Currency Regulation
2022-2024: TCHK among the best companies in legal practice Foreign Economic activity
Preliminary consultation
Please describe your circumstances in order to receive a preliminary consultation and determine further actions
603000, Nizhny Novgorod
Belinskogo street, 58/60, 6th floor
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