    Timofeev / Cherepnov Law Firm/Kalashnikov has been working for many years with the All Russian Public Organization Association of Lawyers of Russia Nizhny Novgorod Regional Branch:

    • thematic round tables and expert discussions on the most pressing legal issues
    • work in the Commission for public certification of law schools of the Nizhny Novgorod region
    • public committee "on assessing the quality of legal services provided to citizens"
    • a series of round tables "Justice and mass media" with the participation of representatives of the judicial community and leading business publications in Nizhny Novgorod.
    Oleg Timofeev, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Business Law, NOC lawyer, Manager of the Timofeev / Cherepnov Law Firm/Kalashnikov, has been working with the HSE Nizhny Novgorod branch since 2010

    Special courses have been developed for students of the Faculty of Law, the distinctive feature of which is a practice-oriented approach:

    • Legal business in Russia
    • Professional skills of a lawyer
    • Legal practice: legal business, advocacy, inhouse
    • Criminal law risks, business protection.
    603000, Nizhny Novgorod
    Belinskogo street, 58/60, 6th floor
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